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Self-love and self-acceptance are buzzwords that we often hear floating around in conversations. But what do they really mean? In simple terms, it is the act of embracing and caring for oneself, flaws and all. It's a journey that requires patience, self-awareness, and loads of self-compassion.


It's crucial that we talk about it because, in a world that glorifies perfection, it's easy to forget that we are all perfectly imperfect. We need to remind ourselves and each other that it's okay to not have it all together.


In this blog, you'll find personal experience from four authors who have gone through their own journeys of learning to love and accept themselves on a deeper level. Each author approached this journey from a unique perspective, and we hope that by sharing their experiences, you'll feel inspired to start your own journey towards self-love and acceptance.

Embracing Flaws


I am Julianne Dumot, currently in my third year at the University of the East Caloocan, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration majoring in Marketing Management.

As I grew up, I became conscious of my numerous imperfections. I was aware that I was intellectually and aesthetically lacking as well as physically diminutive. And the continuous criticism and unfavorable comparisons I got from by my relatives made things only worse. These experiences even heightened my insecurities and lowered my self-esteem. I remember singing in karaoke with my relatives and was told that my voice was ugly and off-tune. I became shy and stopped immediately. However, I decided not to dwell on it and instead started working on improving my voice. I began practicing on my own, and started listening to a lot of songs. Eventually, I participated in several singing competitions at school and outside the school premises and won awards, which made me realize the value of turning weaknesses into strengths. 

As a result, I developed three guiding principles that I now follow in life. First, I strive to keep exploring, identifying and cultivating my skills and traits to develop a distinctive sense of self and take pride in my unique abilities. Secondly, I actively seek to exceed my limitations by continuously testing and pushing myself beyond my expectations. In my opinion, surpassing your own limitations is a sign of growth and personal improvement. And lastly, rather than getting caught up in my insecurities, I aim to accept and embrace myself completely, including my flaws. Instead of allowing my imperfections to negatively impact my self-esteem, I strive to see them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. By doing so, I can cultivate a sense of self-love and self-worth. 


Therefore, it is important not to fear your own flaws. As the popular saying goes, "we are all perfectly imperfect." Our flaws and imperfections make us who we are, and they are what sets us apart from others. Instead of letting our insecurities consume us, we should learn to love ourselves, flaws and all. Remember, our weaknesses can be turned into strengths, and our imperfections can make us more beautiful and unique. So, embrace your flaws, love yourself unconditionally, and always strive to be the best version of yourself.

Rediscovering Self-Worth

I am Ricky Angeles Jr., 22 years old, currently studying at the University of the East as a 3rd-year college student taking up the course BA Marketing. 


During the pandemic, it was also the day when my girlfriend and I broke up. We were together for almost 4 years, so I was used to having her around, and she was also my first girlfriend. I didn't know what to do at that time, and going out with friends was not allowed, so I was stuck at home. It may sound corny, but I was depressed at that time I'm not eating, I'm always angry at people, and there are times when I just want to disappear. I'm thankful because my father talked to me about what's happening to me and why I'm behaving that way. He told me that he didn't raise me to be like that when I was a child, even though I used to fall down a lot, but he also trained me to stand up on my own. What struck me the most was what my father said, "Respect yourself and know your worth." It really resonated with me and left a lasting impression on my heart. 

During that time, I needed to uplift myself, and I realized that I was the only one who could help myself. The first thing I did was watch motivational speeches every day to boost my morale. Then, every Friday, I gave myself time to reflect and watch movies and eat food with my father why every Friday? Because thank god it’s Friday. After a few months, I started reading self-help books and reflecting on my wants and needs. I also started going to the gym. Little by little, I began to love and appreciate myself more. My motto before was “ Time is gold” but now is “ Life is short so make it quality”.

Reclaiming Self-Love

Hi! I’m Jodelyn Lirasan, a BSBA Major in Marketing student studying at University of the East in Caloocan. 


Way back in 2019 was the biggest downfall of myself. I was struggling loving and accepting myself, I can’t even bear to look at myself in the mirror. I was diagnosed and told that I have PCOS. Symptoms like acne breakouts and weight gained really destroyed my confidence that time. I am too shy to go outside and socialize with other people. I cry myself to sleep and do nothing all day because I am really devastated with what I looked. People’s opinions do really matter to me those times and it really affects me as an individual. But then as time goes by, I realize I should not stay in that position. Searching on the internet and having daily check ups help me to do better. I accepted that I have PCOS and with that I asked my Doctor what are the things that I should do in order to lessen it. 

She gave me a bunch of things that I should do. I started loving myself again. I start working out on my own, eating healthy foods that may help me to balance my hormones, getting enough sleep and many more. I even consulted a dermatologist to at least improve my skin. Being consistent is the key, doing those things in the long run makes me have a positive look to myself. I observe that my weight is matching my height, my skin is getting better and I become happier! Also not giving a damn on what other people will think of me becomes my mindset. Self love and Self acceptance is a must. If you have it in yourself, you’ll do things that will make you feel better and grow as a person. We must accept who we are, recognize our positive traits, and use these qualities to lead our personal development.


Hi, I'm Leslie Medina, BSBA Major in Marketing student studying at University of the East in Caloocan. 


My self-love is a version of myself that I never saw coming. I realized how vital self-love is. I learned to love myself when I realized that no matter what happens in life, the only person that will be there is always me. When my self-esteem was down, I just saw the negative parts of myself. I listened to some music or albums by Taylor Swift that saved me, and I will be eternally grateful to her for helping me work on my mental health. Loving myself makes everyone around me more valuable because I recognize the worth of my efforts, trials, and achievements and appreciate my efforts to fight for myself and be a better whole being. It's fine to fake it, til you make it, 'til you do, til it's true. Now my lover era is back. The one who laughs and loves genuinely. 

The one who shows up for those who truly value me. It took me a while to be here, but I trust the process. It's about knowing what you deserve and no longer settling for less. You got this. You're on your own, kid.

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