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by Ruby Fremon

April 24, 2023

"The Magic of Loving Yourself First"

The journey to self-love and acceptance isn't always easy, but it's always worthwhile. It's a wonderful method for overcoming self-doubt, accepting our flaws while celebrating our successes, and coming to terms with who we really are. 


An article by Wanderlust titled "The Magic of Loving Yourself" explores the positive implications of cultivating self-love. It examines the significance of loving oneself, the challenges that may arise from doing it, and the benefits that may come when we accept our true selves. It is an inspirational piece that will leave you feeling empowered to begin your own journey towards self-love and acceptance

Are you ready to be enchanted by the power of loving yourself?

Discovering "The Magic of Loving Yourself First"

Self-love is our fuel; it’s the foundation for who we are. Everything builds on this foundation,

and life feels shaky if it isn’t solid.  -Ruby fremon

"The Magic of Loving Yourself" is an article published in the Wanderlust Journal that examines the significance of self-love and self-acceptance in the lives of an individual. The author starts her discussion by addressing the pervasiveness of negative self-talk and self-doubt in modern culture, both of which can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress. The rest of the article is dedicated to offering actionable advice for improving one's own sense of self-love and self-acceptance, such as:

1. Recognizing and Prioritizing Your Needs
You have to know what you need. Self-love means figuring out what you need and making it a top goal in your life. It's about doing what you really think is right. Without self-love, you don't care about what you want.

2. Gaining a True Sense of Self
End codependency because Self-love requires self-care. As you practice self-care, you'll grow into the kind of person you want to be.

3. Setting Love Boundaries
The more you value yourself, the less you'll put up with disrespectful treatment from others. This can help you obtain the perspective you need to choose from what you will and will not tolerate in your life.

4. Preventing Self-Sabotage
Self-love eliminates self-sabotage. As we cultivate love inside of us, it will become much simpler to acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of your life.

5. Dropping the Victim Mentality
When you begin to prioritize self-love, you start to view your experiences differently. It’s all about learning lessons, not denying them.

6. Giving Love without Feeling Depleted
Without self-love, you cannot love others. You may believe you have the capacity to love, but in reality, your love is coming from a place of lack rather than fullness. But if you remember to put on your mask first and love yourself, you'll be able to give love from a full tank. The act of giving in this way is both energizing and satisfying.

7. Finding Your Own Happy
Stop seeking happiness outside of yourself. The more love you show yourself, the better you feel. And the better you feel, the happier you become. You are in charge of your happiness, and self-love is the key to finding it.

The Power of Effective Writing Tactics

The article "The Magic of Loving Yourself" talks about tips and tricks for cultivating self-love in our lives. The text is well-structured, clear, and jargon-free, allowing the readers to easily understand the main points of the article. In addition, the author illustrates their views using personal experiences and examples, which allows the author to have a strong connection with the readers emotionally.

Throughout the article, the author repeats the phrase "loving yourself" and asks "We know we need self-love, yet we have difficulty giving ourselves permission to experience it" to support their claim. "Ironic, no?" These tactics help to gain interest from the readers and urge them to think more deeply about the subject at hand, which contributes to the overall effectiveness of the writing.

A Critique and Suggestion for Greater Inclusivity

The article effectively points out the value of self-love as a means of improving one's self-confidence, self-worth, and overall well-being. The author also offers a clear structure to the article, with each section focused on a different aspect of self-love and self-acceptance, which helps readers in understanding and applying the content effectively.


However, the article's focus on Millennial women might limit its potential audience and make it seem like self-love isn't important for people of all ages and genders. To improve the article's inclusivity, the author could consider broadening their scope to address a broader audience or emphasizing the importance of self-love for all individuals, regardless of gender or age.

The Magic of Self-Love: Putting Yourself First

The article titled “The Magic of Loving Yourself” advises the readers to stop giving the benefit of the doubt and settle for less. It is a must to put yourself first before anyone else because you can not give love to someone if you don’t love yourself first. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt if they keep disappointing you. Give part of the love you have in your heart to yourself.


By reading this article, the readers will gain insights that will deeply enlighten their minds to put themselves more. That even though there is no one else, there is one person who will be there to love you in all ways - yourself. 


“One of the best guides to how to be self-loving is to give ourselves the love we are often dreaming about receiving

from others.” - BELL HOOKS

People Behind Gentle Reminder

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